Breast Reduction

For additional information about breast surgery, please contact Texoma Plastic Surgery and we will be happy to answer your questions and schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Stephan.

Large breasts can cause pain, improper posture, rashes, breathing problems, skeletal deformities, and low self-esteem. Breast reduction surgery is usually done to provide relief from these symptoms. Performed under general anesthesia, the two- to four-hour procedure removes fat and glandular tissue and tightens skin to produce smaller, lighter breasts that are in a healthier proportion to the rest of the body.


During the procedure, an inverted T or a vertical incision is made from the new location of the nipple down to and around the crease beneath the breast. Dr. Stephan removes excess glandular tissue, fat, and skin, relocates the nipple and areola, and reshapes the breast using skin from around the areola before closing the incisions with stitches. Liposuction may be needed to remove excess fat from the armpit area or other areas as a cosmetic surgery.



For a few days after surgery the patient is placed in a surgical bra and may be given surgical drainage tubes for fluid removal. Stitches come out in a week and the surgical bra must be worn for about a month.

A little pain is normal after surgery, whether it’s mild discomfort or swelling during menstruation. Changes in nipple sensation can occur and slight changes in breast size are also common. Most patients return to work in about two weeks, although you should avoid heavy lifting for three to four and only gentle contact with the breasts should occur for six weeks.Scars fade with time but will not disappear, although they can be hidden with a bra, bathing suit or low-cut top.